1+1 media together with Viasat tell motivational stories of stars in the #zabutyprovik project
The 1+1 media group together with the Viasat company, the general media partner of the #zabutyprovik social initiative, continue a series of special projects and initiatives aimed at combating age discrimination. Starting from August 27, the company's pages in social networks, as well as the project's website, will feature interviews with famous compatriots who prove by their own example: you can be successful at any age - all you need for this is unstoppable faith in yourself and your ideas.
As part of the campaign, readers will get to know the impressive stories of Larisa Kadochnikova, legendary theater and film actress, Pavel Zibrov, the favorite of millions, brilliant musician Roman Hrynkiv, blogger Nina Drozd, and many others.
"Together with our partners, we continue to take confident steps towards the destruction of social stereotypes and the fight against labor discrimination. Therefore, we are pleased to announce the launch of the second wave of the cycle of motivating stories, within which readers will be waiting for even more impressive stories from representatives of show business, theater, literature, business, etc. We are sure that the sincerity of these stories will not leave anyone indifferent, and real examples of people of an elegant age will be an impetus for change for their peers, " commented Tetyana Trehobchuk, head of the corporate communications department of 1+1 media.
The format of the cycle of motivating stories is a light interview with personal success stories, advice for people 50+ and own experience in the fight against age discrimination.
"Progressive countries have already found a way to overcome ageism. This applies to both self-perception and attitude to the problem in society. If just yesterday people tried to look younger than their years, now there is a trend where supporters of anti-ageism specifically emphasize their age and prove that old age is not shameful, but very beautiful. Viasat together with 1+1 media is happy to promote this movement in Ukraine thanks to the stories of real People of Ideas+, " said Svitlana Mishchenko, head of the Viasat satellite television platform.
The interviews of the heroes will be published every week on the official website of the #zabutyprovik project, on the 1+1 media and Viasat platforms.