NewsNews23 April 2021

"Lost World" on channel 2+2 will show a special project for the Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster

To mark the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster , channel 2+2 will premiere special editions of the "Lost World" program. On April 26 and 27 , at 5:00 p.m. , viewers will see the documentaries "Chernobyl: New Danger" and "Atomic Storm".

35 years have passed, and we still do not know the real reasons for the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which changed the lives of millions of people once and for all. A failed experiment, a terrorist attack, an earthquake, or a special operation by KGB agents — the "Lost World" team, together with host Gennady Popenko, will try to disprove or confirm the most shocking hypotheses about who is to blame for the accident. The project team conducted its own investigation, found archival documents of the Soviet special services, and together with an eyewitness to the events, whom the KGB kept silent for many years, went to the exclusion zone. What does the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl NPP look like, where the fateful orders were carried out, is it true that animals mutate in Chernobyl, how the "ghost city" changes over the years and what is the threat posed by the Kyiv Reservoir, into which the Pripyat River flows - see on April 26 in special project "Chernobyl: New Danger".

You can view the announcement from the link m.

"When I found out that we were preparing a special issue on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and there was permission to go to the zone, I was filled with amazing emotions, very deep. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is a terrible tragedy, and having the opportunity to get closer to solving the causes of the disaster resonates very subtly in my soul. Especially since my wife's parents were eyewitnesses to the disaster. The father-in-law was near the reactor in those days. He is a technician, and he helped set up camps for liquidators. When they remember these moments, it's hard to believe that this is not a fiction, but a personal story of people," says Gennadiy Popenko.

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