NewsNews23 April 2018

1+1 media and Smartsolutions Law Group will fight Internet piracy in Ukraine together

The joint work of 1+1 Digital specialists and lawyers of the legal group will allow to expand the functionality of the SUDUM technological and legal system and offer the market a comprehensive solution to protect the interests of rights holders.

"Unfortunately, the level of the Internet piracy problem in Ukraine today is quite high, so technology alone is not enough to force pirates to remove content. For their part, lawyers cannot monitor content on social networks and Google search results 24/7. Thanks to the synergy of the technical competence of 1+1 Digital specialists and the experience of Smartsolutions lawyers, we will be able to more effectively protect the rights of Ukrainian companies on the Internet and bring offenders to legal responsibility. We believe that cooperation will provide the market with case studies of the consequences of such violations and will help reduce the rate of piracy in the country," says Anna Tkachenko, director of the digital direction of 1+1 media.

According to the signed agreement, Smartsolutions Law Group will become the exclusive legal partner of 1+1 media within the SUDUM project.

"Online piracy is a complex global problem that many countries are fighting over. Ukraine is still at the beginning of the journey, but there are already tools for effective struggle - both technical and legal. Our company has been fighting piracy for more than a year, and this experience allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion: it is realistic to catch and punish a pirate, said lawyer Oleksandr Paputsia, partner of Smartsolutions Law Group. - The key market players are serious, and the state supports them in this. Protection of intellectual property is a mandatory condition for the European integration of Ukraine, which means that there will be no compromises in this war, and methods will be improved. We, as lawyers, will make every effort to ensure that the legal instruments work without fail."

In the future, the media holding and the legal group plan to protect not only video content, but also other objects of intellectual property on the Internet. Customers of the two companies will also be able to choose between a comprehensive solution and separate options: monitoring and removal of illegal copies of content or legal assistance from lawyers in protecting the interests of rights holders.

As a reminder, the SUDUM system was created to protect the content of 1+1 media in 2016. The service recognizes and blocks illegal copies of video content on websites, popular social networks and video hosting. In the first year of operation, the solution showed a good result: the media group removed more than 200,000 pirated links and increased revenue from advertising on its own resources by 40%. In 2018, 1+1 media started selling SUDUM as a service to protect the interests of video content rights holders. In the first three months of operation, KINOMANIA, KINOLIFE Distribution, Must See Movie and Ukrainian Film Distribution became clients of the service.

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