1+1 Media

About us

1+1 Media is one of the biggest media companies in Eastern Europe, with over 25 years of history.

1+1 Media unites and works on a partnership basis with the following businesses:

  • TV channels such as 1+1 Marathon, 2+2, TET, PLUSPLUS, 1+1 International, KVARTAL TV, KVARTAL TV International, 1+1 Ukraine, UNIAN, Bigudi, Svit+;
  • News digital resources that are leaders of the UAnet, such as tsn.ua, unian.net, glavred.info; 
  • OTT platform Kyivstar TV and satellite operator Viasat;
  • Production units that provide local and foreign markets with quality content; 
  • 1+1 Rental, which offers a full range of production services;
  • Dubbing services;
  • Educational project 1+1 Media School.

1+1 Media has a wide distribution portfolio and distributes content worldwide. 

Sales house Sirius Media sells direct advertising and sponsorship on 1+1 Media TV channels.

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