86 popular mirror sites of movie platforms HD REZKA, FILMIX, BASKINO have been recognized as media services of the aggressor state
Recently, the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting updated the List of On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services and Audiovisual Service Providers of the Aggressor State. The list now includes another 86 popular movie sites (mirrors of HD REZKA, FILMIX, BASKINO) that provide access to films and TV series from the occupying state.
The "Clear Sky" initiative, with the support of the legal team at Smartsolutions, gathered information that, in accordance with the criteria established by the Law of Ukraine "On Media," confirms the "pro-Russian" orientation of these media services. Here are some of them:
- The default use of Russian as the interface language;
- Distribution or provision of access in Ukraine to programs featuring individuals included in the List of Persons Who Pose a Threat to National Security;
- Distribution or provision of access in Ukraine to films whose distribution and screening are prohibited under the Law of Ukraine "On Cinematography."
The "Clear Sky" initiative has prepared a series of appeals to the media regulator, which, after review and thorough verification, were approved by the National Council.
Let us recall that, based on the appeals of the Initiative, in 2023, the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting recognized more than 200 services and websites as hostile, including HDrezka, Filmix, Baskino, KINOGO, Kinokrad, ГидОнлайн, Kinotochka, and KinoZapas. Research has shown that after the ban on pirate cinemas, legal Ukrainian OTT platforms increased their audience to 2 million users.
Thanks to the efforts of the Initiative, in 2024, the blacklist of media services from the aggressor state was expanded to include popular pirate streaming services such as Shara-TV, IPTV ONLINE, AntiFriz, TVBOOM, and ILookTV, along with their mirror sites RuLook, ZeDom, MeLord, VipDrive, JinoPro, ISeeTV, and TVLider.
Currently, the media regulator is reviewing the Initiative's appeals to include additional resources broadcasting Russian channels and several hundred popular movie websites offering access to films and TV series from the occupying state. Therefore, further updates to this list are expected soon.
"The main problem with Russian pirate media services is that their number continues to grow. The enemy strives to retain the Ukrainian audience because illegal cinemas featuring Russian content serve as a tool of propaganda. It is crucial to block such sites and promote the Pay TV market among Ukrainian viewers instead. We see the results of our work and have no plans to stop", — commented Vyacheslav Mienko, head of the anti-piracy Initiative "Clear Sky."
According to Part 1 of Article 123 of the Law of Ukraine "On Media," the distribution of audiovisual media services from the aggressor state, which are included in the official list, is prohibited in Ukraine. Providers of electronic communication services are obliged to restrict access to such sites.