NewsNews12 September 2023

Analytics from Kyivstar TV: which channels became the leaders of TV viewing in August 2013

Traditionally, in the analytics from the Kyivstar TV platform, we talk about the results of TV viewing in August.

In August, the teams of Ukrainian TV channels were actively preparing for the new TV season, as well as for special programming to mark the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine's independence. And in September, viewers will see the premieres of new series, big shows and entertainment projects, so this period will be quite active and can significantly change the position of the top TV channels in the overall rating.

So, traditionally, in the analytics from the Kyivstar TV platform, we tell you about the results of TV viewing in August, which media group topped the rating this time, the TOP TV channels, and how Ukrainians consumed news content.

As a reminder, while the Nielsen panel, which used to do TV measurement before the full-scale war, is still being updated, the market continues to rely on viewing data from OTT platforms. Since June, the platform has been providing viewing reports based on paid subscriptions only.

Top 10 TV channels in August 2023

In August, Novyy TV channel is at the top of the TV channel ranking with a 10.5% share, up +0.2 percentage points compared to the previous month. STB was in second place with a total share of 8.5% (+0.7 percentage points).

The third place, with the best result since the beginning of the year, was held by 2+2 TV channel, which gained 7.7% share (+0.6 percentage points compared to July).

The revamped TET is in fourth place with 6.8% share (-0.2 percentage points). It was followed by 1+1 Marathon (-0.2 percentage points), which broadcasts Yedynyi Novyny (United News), in fifth place with a 5.9% share.

Thus, 1+1 Ukraine is on the sixth and seventh place with the same 5.8% share (+0.1 p.p. of share compared to July), while ICTV2, on the contrary, lost -0.7 p.p. of share compared to the previous month.

ICTV, which also broadcasts the national telethon, took the eighth place with an unchanged 5.1% share.

The ninth and tenth positions with a share of 1.9% were occupied by TV channels Bigudi (+0.2 p.p. compared to July) and PLUSPLUS.

Media groups and viewership

Traditionally, most of the TV channels included in the August 2023 ranking are part of 1+1 media group - 2+2, TET, 1+1 Marathon, 1+1 Ukraine, Bigudi, PLUSPLUS, KVARTAL TV and Comedy Central. StarLight Media's TOP 20 includes Novy, STB, ICTV2, ICTV, and Inter Media Group's NTN.

Thus, 1+1 media remains the leader in the media group ranking, having gained 33.3% share in August (+0.5 percentage points compared to July). StarLight Media was in 2nd place with an unchanged share of 31.3%. Inter Media Group finished the month in third place with a 3.0% share (-0.2 percentage points).

Viewership of news content

In August, the total share of the main TV channels broadcasting the United News marathon on Kyivstar TV platform was 11.9% (-0.2 p.p. compared to July).

1+1 Marathon is the unchanged leader among the TV channels broadcasting the project, with a 0.8 percentage point share over ICTV.

As for the other TV channels that do not broadcast the telethon but create news content, the rating is led by Channel 24 with a 1.5% share. Pryamyy (0.7% share), Espresso (0.6% share) and Channel 5 (0.2% share) remain the channels with low interest among the audience.

The most popular TV series on Kyivstar TV in August


In the list of the most popular TV series in July by the number of unique subscribers on Kyivstar TV, 1+1 media remains the leader in terms of the number of titles among media groups. Thus, this month, the international series Bewitched became the leader among viewers' preferences. Among the projects broadcast on 1+1 media TV channels, the rating in this category includes Crazy Neighbours, The Magnificent Century, Steel Nerves, The Host, Love Me If You Can, Unfaithful, I Am Hope, Jack & London, Who Will You Go With and Million Dollar Village. SLM's productions include The Dog, House of Happiness, To Catch Kaidash, Serf, and The Herd. In addition to Bewitched, the top 20 international series include The Walking Dead, The Misfits, The Musketeers and Marriage Without Love.

In total, the library of Kyivstar TV's film and TV platform has the largest video library of Ukrainian content - more than 1000 titles.

Data source: Kyivstar TV based on paid subscribers.

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