NewsNews2 October 2024

The first Debut Film Day in Ukraine was held in Kyiv

In one of the capital's cinemas, the Debut Film Day was held with the support of the Kyivstar TV OTT platform

The first Day of Debut Films in Ukraine, organized by the Ukrainian Film School, took place in Kyiv. The Kyivstar TV OTT platform became the official partner of the event. Throughout the day, short films, which are the debut or graduation works of novice filmmakers, were shown on the big screen in the "Oscar" cinema.

The best film was the work of director Nadiya Khatymlyanska "Rooms that we share". It also received the title of "Best Film of the Day of Debut Film", as well as a special award from FILM.UA Group.

The short film "The Last Day" directed by Anastasia Mikhalchuk received a special prize from Kyivstar TV. It is this film that Kyivstar TV will place on its platform, and will also provide promotional support within its limits.

Placing a debut short film on its platform and making a promotion for it is a new experience for Kyivstar TV. CEO Pavlo Rybak noted that most short films demonstrate important social themes and show our military reality.

"Watching these tapes, I caught myself thinking that our youth are very persistent and talented. Most of these films were shot on a minimal budget in conditions of full-scale war. It deserves respect. As a platform, we wanted to support and inspire creators, so we gave one of the films - the tape "Ostanniy Den" - the opportunity to be placed on Kyivstar TV and promoted. We noted this work because its theme resonates in the hearts of many Ukrainians. It is about the belief that the future will definitely exist despite everything," commented Pavlo Rybak, CEO of Kyivstar TV.

In addition, director Anastasia Obodovska received a certificate for studying at one of the courses of the Ukrainian Film School for the film "Kira".

"It's cool that so many directors are now shooting and showing their debut and graduation films. It is important to give them the opportunity to show these works on the big screen. After all, today's debutantes will create new Ukrainian cinema tomorrow. And our goal is to help novice filmmakers, draw attention to their work, give useful advice and support them on their way," says the founder and director of the Ukrainian Film School Alyona Tymoshenko

According to Alyona Tymoshenko, 42 films were submitted for Debut Film Day, from which 10 finalists were selected:

  • "It's hard to live, it's a pity to die" (director Valeriya Domasova).
  • "Selfish Girl" (director Veronika Marchenko)
  • "Winter Bloom" (director Ivan Krupenikov)
  • "The rooms we share" (director Nadiya Khatymlyanska)
  • "Kira" (director Anastasia Obodovska)
  • "Mama" (director Maria Felenko)
  • "The City from the Window" (director Nikita Makusev)
  • "The Last Day" (director Anastasia Mikhalchuk)
  • "Passport" (director Zhora Papoyan)
  • "Defocus" (director Daria Golosko)

These graduation and debut films were chosen by a special commission, which included director Taras Dron, producer of FILM.UA Group Iryna Kostyuk, general producer of the Mykolaychuk OPEN film festival Oleksiy Gladushevskyi, program consultant of the Odesa International Film Festival and art director of the Ukrainian Film Academy Alik Shpylyuk, founder and director Alyona Tymoshenko of the Ukrainian Film School and Pavlo Rybak, CEO of Kyivstar TV

"The big screen is important for the film," adds a member of the Debut Film Day selection committee, producer Oleksiy Gladushevskyi. - On the big screen, all the meanings that the authors put into the film will play with new colors. This is how the magic of cinema really unfolds. Therefore, I am grateful to the organizers for such an event, which really helps films to get to the big screen. This is always important, and especially for debuts."

Actor Serhiy Kysil, actress Iryna Ostrovska, directors Denys Tarasov and Oleksiy Komarovsky, screenwriter Artem Lytvynenko and other Ukrainian cinematographers attended the Debut Film Day with the Ukrainian Film School

The Oscar cinema became the official location of the Debut Film Day. Partner of the event: FILM.UA Group. Information partners: MarieClaire, WOMO, Kinowar, Ukrainky.

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