1+1 media implemented the idea of the winners of the startup competition for BIG IDEA employees
The "1+1 Media" group implemented the project of the winners of the internal startup competition for BIG IDEA employees and launched a 2018 calendar for sale, the pages of which were decorated with shots from the photo shoot of the leading morning programs "Breakfast with 1+1" and "Breakfast. Weekend" together with pets of the Sirus animal shelter. The calendar aims to encourage Ukrainians not to buy pets, but to adopt them from shelters.
As one of the winners, Oksana Movchan, recalls, she needed a calendar that would contain something more than just a visually beautiful picture, which is why she suggested her partner submit this idea to the competition.
"I thought that such photogenic and charismatic presenters, as on the pros, should please not only TV viewers, but also calendar viewers!" - adds the winner Kateryna Zahorska.
According to the terms of the BIG IDEA project, all ideas of employees are published on the internal website of 1+1 media. Among them, the jury selects finalists, whose concepts are refined, properly designed and submitted to the jury members headed by Yaroslav Pakholchuk, mentor of the BIG IDEA project, executive director of 1+1 media, for evaluation and determination of winners. In addition to the implementation of the idea, their authors also receive a percentage of the profit.
"I'm glad that we managed everything! I remember there was a moment of despair, when the girls already despaired that the project would "take off". Currently, we have a quality product, positive emotions and new experience, which, I am sure, will be useful to Oksana and Katya. I am looking forward to the new challenge of BIG IDEA - 2018!", comments Yaroslav Pakholchuk.
BIG IDEA is a 1+1 media startup competition, where each employee of the group can propose their own idea for a new business or project related to content and media, which can be monetized for the company.
In 2016, thanks to BIG IDEA, a media school project for children was implemented.