Karina Mykytiuk - Web designer (trainee)
After the first interview at 1+1 media, I realized that if I was hired, it would only be for enthusiasm, because the words "die", "ticker", "what fonts do you know" made me nervous, like when entering a university.
They called me and a week later I was sitting at the new computer and was waiting for someone to bring me coffee or crop a picture. Everything turned out quite wrong. On the very first day, the ticker made by me was posted on the site and I thought: "Oh, I'm already a professional, it will be so easy here."
But a week later, chief designer Zhenya Demchenko came, gave a lot of theory and forced me to study. To study? But I have almost finished the course! I want to work, I can do everything.
After reading all the necessary materials, I realized that I didn't know anything before that.
And this trend happens every day. At the end of each working day, I think, how did I paint yesterday without this knowledge?
A web designer internship is work. Daily work on yourself and the search for new opportunities, learning and realizing your mistakes, these are hundreds of recycled tickers, these are deadlines, interesting and difficult tasks and, of course, criticism.
Your work and you are not the same thing. Design is a flurry of comments every day. Thanks to the Digital team, you take criticism as an opportunity to do even better, not as a remark. And the same feeling when at the end you hear: "Karina, this is very cool, send it."
When friends say: "Have you seen the updated 2+2? It's incredible." And you understand that you put a piece of your soul into this project. And you realize that all those efforts were worth it.
"Work that everyone can see" is what inspires every day. And also a team that considers its team to be its family, and whether you like it or not, you care about this atmosphere. The team, the opportunity to learn and challenging tasks are all about web design in 1+1 media. After all, we did not know that it was impossible, so we did it.