NewsСтажери про плюси12 September 2023

Alina Lisova, intern at the News Department

Alina spoke about her experience of interning at the "pluses", how the theory she received at university differs from practice, and the impact of working at her dream company on her own life.

On choosing a career path

I graduated with a bachelor's degree this summer. I studied at the Kyiv University of Culture, majoring in TV journalism and programme hosting. Therefore, the position I am interning for - a news reporter at TSN - is exactly the area that I have been trying to master for four years of study.

During my internship, I realised even more that knowledge at university and in practice are two completely different stories. Yes, they complement each other well, but it is through practice that I learn my strengths, perhaps my weaknesses, and clearly understand where else and what I need to improve.

The banal things that helped me get this internship were desire, dream and action. My own rule of life is that "Action generates everything: progress, development, change, results". So, when people ask me for advice, I simply say: "Act and act again!". I've already applied for this internship programme once and passed. Unfortunately, the war changed my plans. In February 2022, I did an internship for only 2 weeks at the 2+2 TV channel. 

This time, when I saw the announcement, I realised that I had to try my hand again. Before the interview and my first day at work, I'll be honest - I wasn't nervous at all. I was in a pleasant anticipation of something new, still unknown, but long dreamed of. I knew for sure that I had a lot of work to do on myself professionally, but I've long since stopped being afraid of any challenges.

Impressions of the internship

I am the kind of person who is immediately drawn to everyone, especially now that I have just started to learn more about the media world. And, frankly, I'm usually lucky to attract "my" people. This is exactly the case, so I don't miss a single opportunity and learn a little from everyone. The TSN team, people, and mentors are great.

And although everyone's advice may be different, because it is based on their own experience, it ultimately boils down to one another. I really appreciate their understanding. Everyone I have ever talked to or worked with remembers that they also started from somewhere and did not always succeed the first time. 

As for what drives me, it's probably all unknown. Because this internship is my first real professional experience, and the more I learn, the more I realise that there is still a lot I don't know.

On the impact of the internship and advice for future interns

During my internship, I realised that I either became, or simply learnt to be, very attentive and observant. When I was studying, in order to choose and come up with a topic for a story, I could sit for days and not agree on anything in my head. Something seemed too boring or banal. Now it's different. Sometimes topics are born just from one word I hear. I'm surprised by this myself, but I'm definitely glad to have this skill. It is really an advantage in journalistic work.

For example, a story about Ukraine's export prospects, which I recently worked on together with a TSN journalist, came about in this way. I simply heard an interesting thesis during a conversation with an expert about the horticultural "boom" of hazelnuts in Ukraine, which is a novelty for our territories but very economically promising. That's why we went looking for those hazelnut fields. However, what I like most is filming heroes, experts, and people in general. After all, communication and exchange of information with them is always a source of new ideas and inspiration.

As for advice to future interns, I may need it myself, but I'll give it to you. If you really feel that this is the place where you are ready to give your best without expecting anything in return, ready to accept criticism and not be afraid of it, ready, no matter how difficult it may be at first, to just live what you do, then you are 100% right for this place.

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