NewsСтажери про плюси19 September 2023

Daria Panchenko, intern of the Corporate Communications Department

Daria told us about the opportunity to gain practical experience in the media industry, what tasks she had to perform during her internship, and shared her main goal on the plus side.

About choosing a career path

I study at the Faculty of Sociology of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, my educational program is social communications, advertising and public relations. So, I chose a related field at 1+1 media, and I am doing an internship as a PR specialist. This gives me the opportunity to gain practical experience in my specialty, and the knowledge gained at the university helps me to perform better during the internship.

I learned about the internship program from the 1+1 media website. In general, I have been dreaming of connecting my life with the world of media and television since childhood. I have always imagined working for a company that is somehow connected with Ukrainian TV channels. Therefore, when I saw on the website that 1+1 media was looking for interns, I filled out an application without hesitation.

My professional and personal qualities probably helped me get the internship. I am a responsible person, I always finish what I start, and I think this is important when working in such a large company. In addition, I have a lot of creative and imaginative ideas, some of which I shared during the test task, so perhaps this also helped me pass the selection process.

Impressions of the internship

It is very valuable for me to make a small contribution to the activities of 1+1 media, it makes me feel important. When I prepare material, help organize an event or just observe certain processes, and then see that all this is done for a reason, that it brings results, then I feel proud of myself and my desire to act certainly grows.

The tasks I am assigned allow me to gain new and useful experience. They are diverse - from the mundane and mechanical to the creative and imaginative, but they are all interesting. I especially want to highlight the Sports Front project, which I have recently become actively involved in. As part of the project, I communicate with famous Ukrainian athletes, prepare questions for them, and conduct interviews, which I then prepare for publication on the 1+1 website.

In addition, during the internship, I face challenges and new opportunities every day, which I boldly accept in my life, and this allows me to move on and pursue my goals.

As for the team I am lucky enough to work with, I am very impressed with them. When I see successful and interesting people in my environment, I want to look up to them, and the desire to develop immediately increases. It happened this time too - the PR fairies don't let me give up and give up :) The team constantly supports me, gives me effective advice, and is happy for my successes, which also motivates and inspires me. In addition, the team always has a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

In general, I don't really like the word "idol," but of course there are people I admire and am inspired by. In my profession, it's my colleagues, and in the world of television and journalism, it's Masha Efrosinina and Timur Miroshnichenko. These are the people I want to look up to and who motivate me to achieve my goals by their example.

About your goal in the company and advice to future interns

The first thing I would like to say is that I am learning to work in a large company where every action you take and every word you say can affect the overall success. This makes me even more responsible and organized. And, of course, I have gained a lot of knowledge and practical experience, which I am sure will help me in my professional growth.

Of course, my main goal is to stay at 1+1 media after the internship. I would like to continue working for the company and realize myself as a PR specialist.

In my opinion, the most important thing for future interns is to put aside all fears and start acting. It may be difficult and confusing at first, but difficulties break the weak and strengthen the strong. You need to understand that where your fear is, there is your development, so go for it! It's also important to do what you like, and that's when work will bring ease and harmony. Be yourself and everything will work out!

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