The 1+1 media group supported a large-scale educational project for students in grades 5-11
The 1+1 media group joined the implementation of a large-scale nationwide educational project of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, the VRU Committee on Education and Science and the public union "Osvitoria". The project "All-Ukrainian School Online" is designed to provide access to distance education for all students of grades 5-11 who study at home in connection with the introduction of quarantine in Ukraine.
TV channels PLUSPLUS and UNIAN-TV , which are part of the 1+1 media group, will be the sites where lessons for 5th and 8th grade students will be broadcast. So, starting next Monday, April 6, every weekday morning, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., lessons for 5th-grade students will be broadcast on the PLUSPLUS TV channel, and for 8th-grade students on the UNIAN-TV TV channel. The training schedule before the end of the quarantine can be found out from the TV program.
"We are convinced that the quarantine should not become an obstacle for schoolchildren to acquire knowledge. Therefore, the 1+1 media group supported the socially important initiative of the state regarding distance learning according to the school program throughout Ukraine. We involved the group's TV channels, which are as accessible as possible to Ukrainians, with an unencoded satellite or digital broadcast signal. Children's TV channel PLUSPLUS will broadcast the 5th grade school program. The informational and analytical TV channel UNIAN-TV, which will broadcast on an open satellite from March 1, will show lessons for 8th graders," commented the general director of 1+1 media, Yaroslav Pakholchuk .
A balanced school program for the quarantine period was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science together with teachers. Lessons are recorded on the basis of the Novopechersk school, where 40 teachers from Kyiv will become teachers for students from all over Ukraine. To make distance learning interesting and keep the attention of schoolchildren near the screens, Ukrainian stars - TV presenters, musicians, actors, athletes - join the lessons. They answer teachers' questions, conduct experiments with them, and solve problems on the air.
The list of subjects that will be taught as part of the "All-Ukrainian online school" project: English language, History of Ukraine, World history, Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Geography, Chemistry, Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, Biology.
Distribution of school programs by TV channels: 5th grade - PLUS PLUS, TV channel "112 Ukraine"; 6th grade – NEWSONE, Pixel; 7th grade – ZIK; 8th grade - UNIAN-TV, Indigo; 9th grade - TV channel "Rada", UA Culture; 10th grade - UA First; 11th grade - M1.
We remind you that children's television channel PLUSPLUS was one of the first to respond to quarantine measures. First, PLUS PLUS, commissioned by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, launched an animated video for children with tips on how to behave during quarantine and "how to arm yourself against the virus" in easy steps. The continuation of the "superhero project" of the channel was a series of exercises for children. In addition to the television broadcast, the videos are also available on YouTube channel PLUSPLUS. The continuation of the series of videos about children's "superpower" in the face of the virus, commissioned by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, was an animated video about what to do at home for children in quarantine. Trikutya, Quadrik and Kruzhko tell what a child can do to spend the quarantine with benefit.