NewsNews26 March 2020

Channel PLUS and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine prepared a video about what to do at home for children in quarantine

Children's television channel PLUSPLUS , commissioned by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, prepared an animated video where Trikutya, Kvadrik and Kruzhko tell what a child can do to spend quarantine with benefit.

The video contains such "superheroic" advice for children as: support loved ones via the Internet or by phone; destroy germs - help parents clean the house; give parents the opportunity to rest a little; learn something interesting every day and tell your friends; it's cool to be smart - do your homework on time; exercise every day and drink a lot of water.

"This video is a continuation of the "superhero" project of the PLUSPLUS TV channel. Where we help children find strength in themselves with simple steps, not only to fight the virus, but also to get a plus from quarantine through the actions we offer. We hope that our series of videos will help parents build a bridge of trust with their children and enjoy time spent at home together," said Ivanna Naida , general producer of niche channels of the 1+1 media group.

We remind you that this video is a continuation of a series of videos about children's "superpower" before the virus. Previously, PLUSPLUS prepared animated videos on how to behave for children in order not to get infected with the coronavirus and a series of exercises for children's activities at home.

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