NewsNews18 September 2024

A record for simultaneous reading will be set at the Book Country

More than 100 people will read poems by Vasyl Stus

On 26 September, at 16:30, the Book Country festival will set a national record for Ukraine: 100 people will read a book together. The event will take place on the lawn in front of the first pavilion of VDNH. To achieve the record, participants will have to read poems aloud for five minutes. The book chosen is the collection Vasyl Stus. Selected Poems’. 

‘We believe that the love of reading can unite people. That is why we want to capture this amazing process by setting a record. We also chose the book consciously - we want to honour the work of the legendary Ukrainian poet Vasyl Stus,’ the Book Country team said. 

Anyone can take part in setting the record: to join, fill out the form here. On the day of the event, each participant will receive a bookmark that will serve as a pass to the event, and after setting the record, they will be able to keep Stus's book as a memory of this unique experience.

The Book Country Festival will take place for the second time on 26-29 September at VDNH. Traditionally, it will bring together writers, bloggers, readers, and everyone who wants to have a good time in the company of like-minded people. The festival programme is available on the event website. 

Media accreditation for the festival is available on the form below. 

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