NewsNews31 August 2018

Rating summer 2018 for the "Bigudi" TV channel

During the three summer months, the channel set its own absolute records of fate according to various audiences.

According to the commercial audience of "Women 18-54" in June, a share of 1.27% was achieved, in July - 1.21%, and in August - 1.22%.

In addition, July 2018 crossed the mark of the average daily duration of viewing by the audience "All viewers of Ukraine (4+ years)", receiving a figure of 47 minutes.

For comparison, in the summer of 2017, the share of the commercial audience of "Women 18-54" reached - 1.19%. And the average daily viewing time according to the audience "All viewers of Ukraine (4+ years)" reached 37 minutes per day.

"The main audience of the Bigudi channel is women. This requires a special approach to the formation of the content grid. The results show that it is now really optimal. But the audience's love is a priority for us, so we will continue to work on its improvement in order to attract an even larger audience," says Ivanna Naida, general producer of niche channels of 1+1 media.

The main products of the Bigudi channel are Ukrainian and foreign series, in particular Turkish and Indian. Favorite projects of the channel's audience are "Endless Love", "I Say - Yes!" and other.

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