UNIAN launched a news bot
The task of the bot is to improve the delivery of current news to UNIAN readers. The digital assistant works on the principle of push messages that start arriving in the messenger after subscribing to the news. Also, the user can independently choose a convenient time to receive the newsletter: in the morning, during the day or in the evening. All messages are available in Ukrainian and Russian.
In the chatbot menu, the user has access to 5 main sections of the UNIAN website: "Economy", "Sports", "War", "Opinions", "Publications". Special attention was paid to the "Sports" section during the development of the digital assistant: the chatbot will host a text online broadcast of the 2018 Winter Olympics. In addition, as part of the UNIAN Weather service, the bot will notify the reader of meteorological changes.
"Time is the most valuable resource. In order for our readers not to have to spend it on constant monitoring of news feeds, the UNIAN editorial team will be able to filter and present all the most important things with the help of a bot in the most comfortable way. We believe that it will be more convenient for users to receive important news through the messenger," commented Mykhailo Hannytskyi , editor-in-chief of the UNIAN news agency .
The UNIAN chatbot for Facebook Messenger is a project of the 1+1 Digital department.
To subscribe to the newsletter, you need to open a dialogue with the bot in the messenger of the UNIAN Facebook page .