NewsNews31 May 2019

The spring season of 2019 was a record for the "Bigudi" TV channel

The spring season became a record in setting its own rating indicators for the women's entertainment TV channel "Bigudi" . The channel, which is part of the 1+1 media group, achieved three significant indicators for different audiences within three months.

In the period from March to mid-May, the channel showed the highest ratings in its history - the share of the TV channel for the audience "All Ukraine, 18-54" reached 0.7%, and for the audience "Women, 18-54" ‒ 1%. In addition, for the audience "All Ukraine, 18-54" the average daily duration of watching the channel was 50 minutes, and for the audience "Women, 18-54" - 1 hour 1 minute. For the first time for the channel, the mark reached more than one hour of viewing per day.

"The growing rating dynamics of "Bigudi" proves to us that the experiment with the broadcasting of Indian TV series was positively received by the audience. From season to season, the channel's audience continues to grow, confirming that the team manages to clearly meet its needs when forming the program network," commented Ivanna Naida, general producer of niche channels 1+1 media.


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