"The only ones. The main thing: final news appeared in the telethon of the united TV channels
Starting from May, the program "Edyni. The main thing", which lasts one hour. This is a summary overview of key events about Ukraine, in Ukraine and from Ukraine for the past day. The editors of the TV channels of the united telethon — 1+1, ICTV, UA:Pershiy, Ukraina 24, Inter and Rada — work in shifts to create content for the program. The presenters of the program are Alla Mazur (1+1), Olena Frolyak and Tetyana Vysotska (ICTV and STB), V'yacheslav Afutin (UA: First), Lyudmila Dobrovolska and Oleg Panyuta (Ukraine and Ukraine 24), Oleksiy Fadeev and Oleksandr Vasylchenko (Inter) , Olga Butko and Andriy Sinitsyn (Council).
Video: https:// youtu.be/sIjbcncK8Yo
The authors note that "The only. The main thing" is an actual project that has become a requirement of the time and a new stage of the telethon, positively transforming and developing it as a media product. 24/7 news, which is created within its limits, covers operational events here and now. The primary tasks of the final issue are an analytical review of the entire day of the war, a conversation with experts regarding further forecasts on this or that issue, and a systematization of the most important information for Ukrainians received during the day.
"Today we have a big request from a Ukrainian viewer for final news. That is why "The only. The main thing" is important content for each of the TV channels involved in the telethon. We believe that thanks to the powerful synergy of the editorial offices, the solidarity of journalists, as well as the tremendous trust in the presenters of the program, the project will gather a large audience, because now it is so important to unite and be on the same information wave." - the creators of the program comment.
See "The only. The main thing" every day at 20:00 on all TV channels that broadcast "Edyni Novyni", as well as on online television platforms, on the Internet and in the "Diya" application, listen to the program on the radio.