Bernadska Anna - PHP developer (trainee)
My name is Anya, I am a student of the 6th year, studying to become a programmer. In the 5th year, I thought about the fact that it was time to find a job in my specialty, and flipping through the lists of similar vacancies, I was upset: everywhere I needed work experience, which I did not have, and I did not know where to get it either.
But later, once again flipping through vacancies, I came across an announcement about the recruitment of interns at 1+1 media in my specialty. After carefully reading all the conditions, I thought that this was a great chance where I could get the same experience, and really practical skills that I would need in the future, and that same evening I sent my resume.
After 2 weeks, they called me and informed me that they were interested in my resume and they are considering my candidacy. Then the technical task, interviews, one, the other, and as a result, I was informed that I successfully passed all the stages, and I am invited to an internship!!!
First month:
The first month of the internship coincided with studying at the university, plus at that time I was working part-time at another company, and it was physically very difficult to combine everything. But it was important for me to step over my laziness, to force myself to leave my comfort zone for the sake of my future! I was received very warmly in the team. My job is to support and develop new components of the official 1+1 website. At first it was difficult and there was a lack of experience, knowledge and practice to do the tasks quickly and efficiently, but the team helped and supported me in every way, and I quickly got used to it.
Second month:
Every day I learned something new, gained practical experience and skills and did tasks much faster. Tasks, in turn, became more interesting and responsible. It's nice to realize that I'm making my own, albeit not big, contribution to the overall cause, and it's even nicer to see the results of my work with each release of the site.
Third month:
In all 5 years of studying at the university, I have not learned as much as I have learned here. The experience gained during the internship is invaluable and will definitely be useful to me in the future. Plus, I learned to work in a team, which is also no less important for such a profession. I like it here, and when I was informed that I was being retained for the second stage, I believed in my abilities even more, and started working with even greater responsibility.
Fourth month:
It is now the 4th month of my internship, and I have never once regretted being here. Interesting tasks, where I could show not only practical skills, but also imagination, a friendly team, and a pleasant working atmosphere. I would like to stay here after the internship, but no matter what happens, it was a good experience and a start for my career.
I express my sincere thanks to my team for their help, the department where I am interning for the friendly atmosphere and 1+1 media for this opportunity!