"Library for Heroes": 1+1 media employees serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine got access to hundreds of publications
For example, the book platform provided 1+1 media employees who serve in the Armed Forces and are on the front line with special promotional codes as part of the Library for Heroes project. This is a special shelf in the Yakaboo mobile app where the military can read books for free.
"The Library for Heroes was created by the national book platform Yakaboo specifically for defenders of Ukraine to provide them with convenient and easy access to e-books wherever they are.
"Today we must be united as never before. Moreover, we must continue to build strong synergies with our partners, and then together we can be even stronger even without external assistance. Our Library for Heroes project is also about building internal reserves. And it is a great honour for us to continue developing it together with our partners to support each other and be even more resilient when needed," says Yakaboo co-founder Yuriy Kryvosheya.
The library offers literature of various genres: non-fiction, fiction, biography, history, classic and contemporary prose, poetry, educational literature, etc. In total, there are about 500 publications.
Access to the library is free of charge for the military and is provided through special promotional codes that the Yakaboo book platform transmits to military units, including through partners and NGOs that help and directly interact with the military and veterans.