NewsNews14 November 2017

Huk Maria - Information producer of documentaries (trainee)

Hello. My name is Maria, I am an intern information producer of documentaries. Information - as a woman, it should be sought, carefully checked, protected and not let go, as a real one. This was the first lesson of my internship. Information interns do not sleep. They listen, contemplate, communicate. Information is all around us, the main thing is to know how to catch it by the "tail" and turn it into "candy". In the field of view of the information producer of documentaries only real stories, it does not matter if they are modern or on the pages of ancient documents. The main thing is that life itself writes the script of these events and fate. That's why we look for facts, people everywhere. In archives and libraries, on the street and buses, in books and on Google. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the work of an information producer of documentaries is compared to the work of a detective.

We are three girls in the team. In more detail, our internship takes place in the following formats. First, we receive tasks with a theme and look for potential heroes who have experienced certain events and could share their experiences. Second, we learn how to communicate with our potential speakers. How not to push a person away, not to scare, to talk and get the information we need. Thirdly, we master the rules of official documentation, how to make inquiries correctly and correctly. If the news producer does not agree with the institution, organization or person, the filming will not take place.

We also have a practical side to our internship. Our manager invites us to shoot programs, record interviews. So that we learn not only from our mistakes, but also to see how professionals do it.

At the same time, 1+1 Media already perceives us as part of the team. We have joined the 1+1 Family information space. We are invited to various lectures, seminars, flash mobs, excursions. A meeting of interns from various industries took place. We shared our experiences, presented our views on internships.

Our internship continues, new knowledge is ahead, more practice and experience, experience, experience!

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