For the first time in Ukraine, 1+1 media used a unique robot to shoot a video for the "People vs. Machines" project
The 1+1 media group used a unique robot for the first time in Ukraine as part of the preparation for the atypical experimental project "Mind Contest: People vs. Machines", which was announced on November 19, 2019. So, the robotic robot crane "Bolt", which is a high-tech development of the British company "Mark Roberts Motion Control", was used during the filming of the promotional video. This happened under the supervision of the "To Be Production" team represented by Ivan Ryzhak and Denys Akulov, official representatives of the company that brought the specialized high-speed robot "Bolt" to Ukraine and passed certification from the manufacturing company for the use and control of the robot.
"The 1+1 media team became the first in Ukraine, which was not afraid to cooperate with this robot and the new team. We are glad that we were able to fully implement the tasks set before us, and also in a fairly short time frame. There was no preparation day, but the filming of the entire video, taking into account the time for programming the robot and shooting scenes with its participation, took only 10 hours," commented Ivan Ryzhak, co-founder of "To Be Production".
Thanks to the unique technological capabilities of the robot, the promo and design team 1+1, which was involved in filming the video, managed to capture images with a clear focus and complex camera movement, to shoot all five actors who, according to the plot of the video, are sitting at the table in one frame, which could not be done manually or in any other way.
"Bolt" robot can move the camera installed on it on rails at a speed of up to 4.5 m/s. and rotate on its six axes at a speed of up to 270◦/sec. and up to 360◦/sec. In essence, it can literally track falling or fast-moving objects while keeping them in focus. Movement is as accurate as possible. So, during the filming of the promotional video, the camera repeatedly passed at a distance of several millimeters from the objects located on the table," commented Denys Akulov, co-founder of "To Be Production".
In addition, the robot performed not only the camera function, but also became a full-fledged participant in the shooting process, playing the role of the main antagonist for the pre-roll of the project.
"We live in an amazing time of rapid technological development - previously only thanks to futuristic films we could imagine that a person competes with artificial intelligence and also in the creative plane, but now it is gradually becoming a reality. We, the 1+1 promotion and design team, are happy to be part of this unique and first-of-its-kind experiment in Ukraine, so we decided to use " Bolt " robot for filming promo video as tools for production and as an actor, it's also a creative and interesting experience for us," commented Nataliya Vovk, head of marketing at 1+1.
Watch the promotional video:
Watch the preroll : be / tTS 35 R 85 ej 0
We would like to remind you that the experiment project " Mind Contest : People vs. Machines", initiated by the group " 1+1 media " , aims to conduct a competition between a team of people and neural networks in a competitive manner to find out whether artificial intelligence is capable of surpassing human creativity.
Official project links:
Website: https :// mindcontest .1 plus 1. ua
Facebook : https :// www . facebook . com / peopleagainstmachines /
Instagram : https :// www . instagram . com / people _ against _ machines /
Mask _ « Mind Contest : People against machines" on Instagram via the link